Monday, December 3, 2012

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See, this was that she is picking a matter, this is to say me in one side."
"Am I still not sparse to listen to!"Tian Guo says and has already controled car to go upstairs to go to.
Looking at she gets angry of appearance, Chen Han also helplessly shakes, the variety of body also very big at the emotion influence of the pastoral, see to this period of time, the quick temper of the pastoral also big many.See her facial expression, seeing come from F should hold firmly time quickly for her cure for a while.
The park animation of seeing leaves, the ears of wheat suddenly sees toward Chen Han Dao again:"Listen to you just- had tone, do you think fierce your own medical skill Bai?, "Certainly."Chen Han's answer only has two words, but has matchless self-confidence, this is a kind of to have no half black falter, like the existence of the world.The affair that changes generally Heng to settle naturally and matchless like the stars.
This is a kind of self-confidence, have no the least bit miscellaneous read, probably at cure a way on, Chen Han can not say that oneself is the most severe, but for the confidence of the oneself medical skill is matchless firmness, if there is no this confidence, he is also impossible to this kind of situation.Like river lake's description toward those legendary super strongs.They all very of self-confidence, if they aren't self-confident, also is not likely to attain that kind of situation, the person even doubting oneselfs how may have high achievement again.
These two word the mild but again have matchless self-confidence, the wheat is steady to listen to is all one Leng, even if she has never felt this self-confidence on grandpa, this person pours with himself or herself is to be like very much, think in the ears of wheat heart.The medical skill tradition of wheat house 2,000 years, is again what other people can compare.
'…Do not know you as well which come of self-confidence., The ears of wheat Du Rang wears …immediately and again thought of pastoral"the condition of that pastoral … , Chen Han Yi raises to stop wheat to steadily ask words:'Say proper business, be subjected to a person, it gives loyalty the person's matter, you are since subjected to entrusting of my grandpa to seek me and say first affair with me know, other affairs see my mood again decide with don't say with you, my grandpa now how?"
Although Chen trembles with fear medium also guess.The affair should not calculate too seriously, otherwise the wheat is steady is not likely to have carefree feeling heel pastoral at hide in keep on consuming, more can't be now is this appearance.
But want to say circumstance of worrying the grandpa not that is false.Although the grandpa's appearance in the impression has been misty.Not Yu mind in but have a kind of natural affection that is hard to harm to give up.
Oneself's this everything on a life time body, is originate a grandpa …that tradition and relation of the blood are very marvellous.
Bone blood, blood, an a life time once studied as well on Chen Han, here side if the self-discipline expected after arriving.There are many marvellous places,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday, like a set of password.For the common run of people, that is a kind of to make people produce to become intimate with, easily walk to arrive together, very marvellous and exquisite felling.
The wheat is steady to more is the affair that is eager to inquiring pastoral.Chen Han is more to don't say, and Chen Han's words have much of to manage again, the said wheat Mu wants to know very anxiously and thinks concrete inquiry.Think.
The ears of wheat has this to flightily annoy rashness.Suddenly one inside the body is clean like ice, the pure spring generally very clear strength flows to turn, her mind immediately quiet such as water.There is no ripple, there is no motion, this kind of status is a kind of not intentional don't read of status, this is curing a patient and sees a doctor time's best status for patient.Certainly, the numerous efforts strong also all expects super strongly after trying to attain this kind of status, even if is that this day class, can hardly also meet this kind of status, the basic J is a kind of may come with luck status, but controling of ability factitiousness to this kind of status, that isn't also what ordinary people can make.
This for an instant, the wheat steady body outside protects body Gang to annoy all more very clear several cents are an originally light ivory and unexpectedly have a kind of fog to annoy the felling that wipes off from the window, although isn't just very clean.But have been very clear.
Is severe!Chen Han Yi sees this act, in the heart also dark call one severe.This be not who all can make of, even if Chen Han is the Earth federal after 300 years the chief cure an officer, the under charge cures an officer to count with hundred million account, but can make the person of Liu's this degree to also only haven't to arrive 3.And is all self-discipline arrive seven class heels are eight class physical endowments, with lend strong strength in the process of seeing a doctor to the patient in just can attain.Be like wheat steady like this of but is very seldom seen.
The ears of wheat in a twinkling makes oneself calm down and sees toward Chen Han:'Ten several year agos of grandpa Chen did exercises in gymnastics some problem, the health condition hasn't been good, this this year is gradually worsen, I have been breaking his/her neck to help grandpa Chen with grandpa, however recent half years come more grandpa Chen's condition quick depravation.Can't we can take grandpa Chen to jade Long Bing"in shot, ask for help of cold spirit of the ice there control the depravation of condition of the injury, the affair is so simple, grandpa Chen wanted to see you now.My grandpa makes me come to seek you pass by.Like, I should say all to finish saying.I know also so many, I am responsible for the condition that cures grandpa Chen.Is other of you ask grandpa Chen, now should you said."
The grandpa does exercises in gymnastics wrong?Chen Han Yi listens to a matchless doubt in heart, grandpa meeting effort?

Volume 2 chapter 348 starts curing pastoral
Renew time:2010-2-215:48:44 chapter word numbers:4120

Think the along while also cans not figures out, the grandpa seems to be just to beat a dozen of Taichi at ordinary times and have never led a grandpa meeting the impression of the effort, also have, the grandpa is about 100 years old.Even if meeting effort, again how may do wrong.However on seeing the appearance of wheat Mu, be don't want to continue to say too many affairs of conditions.
Chen's trembling with fear an inside is difficult to understand to want to think a way very much:'Severity", " just start O.K., however was recent to worsen more serious.After all grandpa Chen is getting older …"", ears of wheat involuntarily says, however right away consciousness way:"I said that I should say of finish saying, should you said."
Jade Long Bing, secret win to have a wheat house for thousand years, and in the ears of wheat heart, she seeks Chen Han to see Chen Lao also just make their close relatives meet.Seeing from the angle that she was the doctor's treatment Chen Lao, say these to have been all right already with Chen Han currently.Some affairs want to wait Chen Han arrive jade Long Bing, just can tell him.
'You not often do a door, this also not is a child to play house, I didn't also promise you what."
Chen Han knows ears of wheat can't keep on saying again and looking at her to shake, turn round to walk toward the inside way'I go to to pastoral Shi Zhen, we immediately walk later on, jade Long Bing, BE,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online., H'm."If the ears of wheat involuntarily promising is a… but thought of Chen Han, the wheat pig keeps up with a way:"You how is all this sentence, I hardly go out how.I also usually get to the Internet on the island of grandpa Chen."
Although the wheat Yu has this to see little of the world, but is also ice snow cleverness, seeing Chen Han isn't willing to say,, and then listen to Chen Han say to give the pastoral Shi Zhen, she immediately heel go up.Seeing Chen Han didn't make her leave, inwardly secretly pleased in the ears of wheat heart, also endure to no longer inquire, she wants to see Chen Han first exactly how to cure illness for farmland country.She doesn't believe that Chen Han can have a way and at most also just continue the life of pastoral, thoroughly cure absolutely is to play trick very much, the condition of farmland country's connecting a wheat house to cure all has been already mentioned in the absolute being article, if this kind of congenital disease arrived pastoral this kind of situation, there is almost no way.
In fact these days of ears of wheats ever and cautiously once thought as well.If say Chen Han just for comforting a disease blind pastoral is into the cream.Fool she says to cure like her disease, that he impossibly and owners all say so, in the center the wheat Mu also seeks a cow brave, Lung-chuan small Yao list they beg a certificate to lead, the and the rise time once found out to start to talk about this affair with him at first.
Although Zhu Yuan isn't the person of martial building in the cow house, however and Chen Han's contact is carefully also a lot of, also came to Wu Guan to once see a farmland country as well, even still once found out the condition of pastoral, the result arrives from these on the side wheat Mu Hans of the answers are all matchless affirmative answers, Chen Han really once says to cure good pastoral.
This lets to bomb a bit steady not understand, a meet this kind of problem.If had her don't know of save to cure of method, the wheat pig compares to do any affairs to all become addicted.
Ears of wheat heel at back Chen Han don't say what, directly arrived at the room of pastoral, saw pastoral already and let go of diamonds all Related articles:

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